If you want to update your countertops consider installing plastic laminate. Laminate comes in many colors, patterns, and designs. In order to execute the project you will need: plastic laminate, contact cement, hand saws, paint brush, roller, sand paper, work gloves, and a straight edge.
1. Thoroughly clean and sand the surface where the laminate will be applied.
2. Cut the laminate sheets to size using fine-toothed hand saws, such as
Disston hand saws.
3. Brush the contact cement on the clean, sanded surface, as well as to the back of the cut laminate pieces.
4. Let the cement sit for 15 minutes and then move the laminate pieces into position.
5. When the pieces are laid down, go over the top with a roller to evenly apply pressure, ensuring the laminate will stick.
6. To give the project a polished look, finish the trim in the same laminate, using the steps listed above.